Wares Creek Project in Bradenton Proves Success

Business & Finance

The recently completed Wares Creek Project proved to be a resounding success and operated as designed after sustaining impacts from Tropical Storm Colin.

No local flooding was reported or noted along the creek after the storm.

“Tropical Storm Colin gave us the perfect opportunity to find out how well this project would respond to a significant rain event,” said Project Manager Laurel Reichold. “We are pleased with the results and the flood protection it provided to the local community.”

Rain totals peaked at 2.7-inches on June 6 and 1.6-inches on June 7, according to Weather Underground for sites around Bradenton, Fla.

At the 21st Avenue Bridge, flows fluctuated between 3 to 5-feet, but no flooding was reported. Flow was significant through the creek, but post storm inspection by the Corps documented little disturbance to the banks.

The constructed project is designed to provide reduced flood stages for all flood events, with a bank-full capacity greater than the 5-year flood event.

“Although Tropical Storm Colin represents less than a 1-year flood event, the project functioned and operated without impact from the storm,” said Reichold. “This should give residents peace of mind that the project is ready to tackle the next storm event and those to come.”

The Wares Creek Project reduces flood risk and related issues within the Cedar Hammock-Wares Creek basin in Manatee County, Fla.

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