USACE Proposes Revising, Replacing MA General Permits

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, is proposing to revise and replace the statewide Massachusetts General Permits (GPs) with updated GPs for minimal-impact activities subject to Corps jurisdiction in waters of the U.S. 

The revised GPs will continue to authorize activities subject to Corps jurisdiction in waters of the U.S. within the boundaries of, and off the coast of, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, excluding work within the boundaries of Indian Tribal lands.

The revised document adds a GP titled “Aquaculture Activities” and deletes the GP titled “Previously Authorized Activities.”

The Corps also is revising the GP document to include information concerning projects that are proposed within the boundaries of, or which otherwise impact federal projects, including (but not limited to) dikes, levees, flowage easements, anchorages and federal navigation projects.

Activities within these areas require a separate authorization from the District Commander, known as a “408 Approval,” pursuant to 33 U.S.C. Section 408.