Community to Review Waiohine River Flood Protection Plans

Business & Finance

People who live alongside the Waiohine River and in Greytown will be asked this week to give their view on a plan to protect their homes, business and land from problems caused by river flooding and erosion.

Over the last eight years, Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) has been working with South Wairarapa and Carterton District Councils, communities and iwi to come up with an agreed Floodplain Management Plan that will take into account flood risk levels as well as the economic, recreational, cultural and environmental needs of the communities who live and work around the Waiohine River.

During the development of this draft Waiohine River Floodplain Management a number of options for managing flood risks were identified and discussed.

These discussions were led by the Waiohine River Floodplain Management Planning Advisory Committee (WFMPAC), a group made up of members of the Wairarapa community, as well as District and Regional Councillors and other groups interested in the Waiohine River.

The need for a comprehensive long-term plan that takes into account the effects of climate change is well supported.

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