USACE Seeks Comments on Lock and Dam 5A Scour Repairs

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is seeking public comments on plans to repair scour holes and erosion immediately upstream and downstream of Lock and Dam 5A along, near Fountain City, Wisconsin.

The proposed work includes filling scour holes and lining the bank with rock riprap along the Wisconsin bank.

Rock would be delivered by truck directly to the sites to be repaired. An excavator or crane would be used to unload the rock and place it into the scour holes and along the embankment.

This project requires a review of environmental effects under the National Environmental Policy Act. A copy of the draft Environmental Assessment with a finding of no significant impact was coordinated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and state resource agencies prior to posting of the public notice.

A final determination on the draft Environmental Assessment will be made following a 15-day public review period.

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