Rochester Harbor Dredging Program Progresses Well

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, began dredging at Rochester Harbor, NY, on May 17 and will continue through mid-June.

As part of the two-year $1,722,500 contract, awarded to Luedtke Engineering Company of Frankfort, MI, a total of 210,000 cubic yards of sediment will be dredged from the federal navigation channel this year.

“The Rochester Harbor helps drive job creation and construction projects across Monroe County, importing $10 million worth of goods every single year,” said Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, commenting the progress.

“Performing proper maintenance will help ensure this harbor can continue its operations and support economic growth across Western New York. I thank the Army Corps for its partnership in keeping this port open for business and safe for navigation.”

The contractor began working in the lower channel (between the piers).

Once finished with the lower channel, they will move to the upper river in the area of the EssRoc dock and work their way back down the Genesee River.

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