Spotlight on Vessels Snell and Currituck

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, has just released a photo of its two vessels working in the Narragansett Bay in Connecticut.

For the first time ever, the debris vessel Snell and special purpose vessel Currituck worked in tandem to remove boulders from the Narragansett Bay federal channel.

The Snell lifted boulders that weighed up to 15 tons from the channel and placed them into the Currituck to be carried away from the channel.

USACE’s multi-purpose vessel Snell has been mainly used for debris removal, but can also perform pinpoint dredging with an improvised device, repair of docks or core sampling.

The 150-foot seagoing, shallow-draft special purpose dredge Currituck is used for removing dredged material from the channel with the capability to transport the material to the downdrift beach and deposit it in the surf zone only few feet deep.