12 Projects Receive Grants to Restore Puget Sound Shorelines
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has begun distributing $8.2 million in funding for 12 local projects designed to protect and restore the natural shorelines around Puget Sound.
Project sponsors include local governments, tribes and non-profit organizations from Hood Canal to the Snohomish River Delta who applied for funding through two competitive grant programs administered by the department.
Funding distributed by WDFW through those programs comes from a combination of state capital funds and federal grants from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
“Seawalls and other structures line more than a quarter of Puget Sound’s 2,500-mile shoreline,” said Jay Krienitz, who manages WDFW’s Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program (ESRP). “These projects play an important role in restoring the Sound’s natural shorelines, helping to ensure these areas are healthy and productive for fish, wildlife and people.”
Here is a summary of the 12 restoration projects funded this year:
- Discovery Bay Restoration ($257,862);
- Kilisut Harbor Restoration ($2,000,000);
- West Dabob Bay Restoration ($527,000);
- Maury Island Restoration ($1,586,712 – Federal EPA grant funds and ESRP state capital funding provided);
- Beard’s Cove Restoration ($409,000 – Funded with federal EPA grant dollars);
- Skokomish Delta Restoration ($1,231,929);
- Teekalet and Port Gamble Restoration ($1,500,000);
- Railroad Grade Beach Nourishment ($99,010);
- Bulkhead Removal Planning ($86,684);
- Restoring Sediment Supply to Sustain Delta Marsh ($350,000);
- Prioritization for Bluffline Structure Protection ($149,621);
- Identifying Target Beaches for Restoration and Protection ($34,685).
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