Wesson Wins Braddock Bay Contract

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, awarded a $7.8 million contract on October 6, 2015 to Wesson Group LLC, for the construction of the Braddock Bay Ecosystem Restoration Project located in Greece, NY on the Lake Ontario shoreline. 

The contract covers the construction of a barrier beach: 1) a 1,675-foot long continuous rubblemound breakwater spine, as a core for the beach, with two 180-foot long rubblemound terminal groins attached; 2) a 3 -acre headland beach; and 3) two 150-foot long headland rubblemound breakwaters.

The project also includes activities aimed at restoring the emergent marsh located within Braddock Bay.

Approximately nine acres of channels and potholes will be excavated within the existing cattail dominated emergent marsh to increase habitat complexity and diversity. Approximately three acres of emergent wetland will be reestablished within the bay to replace some of the wetland acreage that has been lost to erosion.

Together, with seeding and planting of native species, and invasive plant species treatment, this actions will improve the ecological function of Braddock Bay wetlands as well as their suitability for fish and wildlife species.

This project is being conducted through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and USACE in close partnership with the Town of Greece and the Rochester Embayment Remedial Action Plan Oversight Committee.

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