Cardno Takes Part in Dredging Conference

Business & Finance

Cardno, a Brisbane-based engineering firm, will take part in the Coasts and Ports 2015 conference, scheduled from September 15 to 18 in Auckland, New Zealand.

The conference will bring together engineers, planners, scientists, stakeholders and researchers to focus on the technological, scientific, policy, planning and design issues related to coasts and ports.

Cardno will have four speakers at the conference and is sponsoring two technical streams; port and maritime engineering, and dredging, mining and monitoring (including biosecurity). Cardno’s Neil Lawson, in his role as Chairman, PIANC Australia, is also on the conference organizing committee.

David Provis, Senior Principal – Oceanography, will present a paper on Reflected Waves in Port Phillip Heads, looking at the impact that the steep inshore wall of the canyon cutting through Port Phillip Heads has on the wave climate in the area.

Joanna Garcia-Webb, Senior Coastal Engineer, will present a case study on morphological modelling of sedimentation in the Port Mandurah canals.

Paul Branson, Senior Coastal Engineer, will present an application of the XBeach model for stimulating storm erosion behind the complex reef environment of Quinns Beach, Western Australia.

Tanja Mackenzie, Senior Environmental Scientist, will present Navigating Climate Change: Adaptation Planning for Ports and Navigation Infrastructure, covering how planning for ports must change as the climate continues to change.

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