Hechangzhou Contract Awarded

Business & Finance

Under the Regulation Project-Phase 2 of the Yangtze River’s deepwater channel at Nanjing, CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. has won the bid for the regulation of Hechangzhou waterway, with a construction period of 33 months.

With a full length of some 227 kilometers, the Phase 2 segment involves the regulation of four key navigation-obstructing waterways of the Yangtze River: Fujiangsha, Kouanzhi, Hechangzhou and Yizheng.

Located on Zhenyang waterway between Zhenjiang and Yangzhou, Hechangzhou lot undertaken by the company is the core zone of Zhenjiang National Natural Reserve for Yangtze Dolphins.

The lot involves No. 1 submerged breakwater with a length of some 1,817 meters, No. 2 submerged breakwater with a length of some 1,919 meters and four revetment reinforcement projects with a total length of some 10,771 meters.

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