PHA to Keep Up with Growing Demand
Building on a record year, during the first five months of 2015, the Port of Houston Authority (PHA) handled more than 16 million tons of cargo, an increase of 9 percent compared to the same period last year.
Additionally, activity at the Bayport and Barbours Cut terminals continues to grow at an accelerated pace, with loaded container units increasing 23 percent versus May 2014.
Reporting yesterday at the regular monthly meeting of the Port Commission of the Port of Houston Authority, Executive Director Roger Guenther also highlighted $66 million in cash flow generated through May, a 47 percent increase from the same period last year.
“We will continue to leverage these funds as we redevelop and recapitalize our infrastructure, to keep up with the growing demand for goods and services in our region,” Guenther stated.
Guenther moved on to address several of these Port Authority infrastructure projects. He noted that work to deepen and widen the Barbours Cut channel was expected to be complete at the end of July.
Guenther also highlighted a design contract on the agenda for work at Barbours Cut Container Terminal Wharf No. 2, which also addressed issues deemed critical for safe navigation of the larger container ships that will load and unload where the terminal’s four new cranes are located.
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