Deltares’ Engineer Wins Best Paper Student Award

Business & Finance

Kees Nederhoff, coastal engineer at Deltares has won the best paper student award for his work “Modelling the Effects of Hard Structures on Dune Erosion and Overwash”.

The award was handed over to Kees during the Coastal Sediments 2015 conference, held in San Diego, CA, USA.

Kees investigated the morphodynamics (erosion and sedimentation) near buildings using XBeach. He first considered the theoretical aspects and applied the model on a field case of New Jersey during Hurricane Sandy, where significant erosion and overwash occurred.

His findings are relevant for the assessment of coastal safety against flooding in coastal towns all over the world.

The paper was based on his M.Sc. work at the TU Delft and Deltares on “Modelling the effects of hard structures on dune erosion and overwash”, which was supervised by Joost den Bieman and Marien Boers (both Deltares researchers).