Envisan: New Sediment Treatment Center in France

Business & Finance

Envisan France, the French branch of the environmental division of Jan De Nul Group, recently launched the construction of its Soil and Sediment Treatment Center in La Seyne-sur-Mer.

This center will be specifically designed for the treatment and recycling of polluted sediments and soil.

Based on its expertise gathered in Belgium, where legislation allows for re-use of sediments in the construction industry, Envisan will open its first center in France. It will be built on a site of 3.4 hectares (8.4 acres) and will feature several treatment techniques for polluted sediments and soil.

The center is an extension of the SEDIMED research program, which aims to lift the administrative and regulatory barriers for allowing recycled sediments to be used in the construction works industry: roads, concrete structures, maritime works and landscaping or anti-noise pollution eco-models.

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