Lymington Dredging Scheme About to Begin

Business & Finance

Lymington Yacht Haven is due to start their annual dredging program in the first half of January.

As part of a five-year dredging plan and following a bathymetric survey in late 2014, pontoons M and N at Lymington Yacht Haven are to be dredged in January and February 2015.

The dredging will restore both pontoon fairways and berths to a minimum of 2.5m below Chart Datum. Dredging is expected to take up to 8 weeks with only a dozen berths affected at any single time.

The marina’s dredging program starts two months after winter dredging began in the Lymington River with a new trial involving discharging mud at Boiler Marsh.

A Licence was granted to discharge 12,500 tonnes over three years by bottom dumping at Boiler marsh to the East of the river entrance. The plan is to create an unconfined intertidal reef within the bay that will provide shelter to the edge of the marsh in the immediate vicinity.

This year’s limit of 2,380 tonnes was successfully placed.

Yacht Havens Group has a long history with dredging, especially in Lymington. In the 1960’s, Boskalis Dredging Group was originally commissioned to dredge a new marina in Lymington; the marina is still in the same family ownership today.

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Press Release