Kiasma Further Improves KFC System
R&D Office of Kiasma Srl, an Italian company engaged in production of HDPE pipes for dredging, has further improved the turbulent motion inside of the pipeline for its patented KFC System.
Outstanding results were obtained during recent tests on the new construction of the KFC System inside the pipeline:
-Using the latest materials in the field of plastic polymers, extremely compact in their uniform molecular structure (almost unassailable by abrasion);
-High impact resistance (high attenuation of impact solid materials);
-Specularity surfaces in contact with the mixture (resistant to calcification, sedimentation);
-Study of the KFC system in relation of each pipe diameter;
-Angle of impact of mixture (pressure drop reduction);
-Engineers report between the length of the line, the inner diameter of the piping and type of mixture (turbulent motion maintained).
Thanks to this, Kiasma placed itself as the leading manufacturer of HDPE pipes for the dredging market, capable to withstand abrasive mixtures.
Press Release