Cowes Breakwater – Catalyst for New Investment
New detached Cowes Breakwater, delivered by Cowes Harbour Commission, unlocks the harbour’s potential and creates catalyst for investment and job opportunities.
CHC appointed Boskalis Westminster to undertake construction of the new £7 million detached breakwater for Cowes on the Isle of Wight.
The protection provided by the Cowes Breakwater has now enabled the planned marina element of the Cowes Outer Harbour Project (OHP) to move forward. The OHP is a long-standing strategic partnership between CHC and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The HCA has announced the selection of a consortium of Camper & Nicholsons and Westcourt Real Estate as their preferred developer for the new Victoria Marina development in East Cowes.
The scheme will include the regeneration of 2.6 hectares of brownfield land in East Cowes and facilitate the creation of over 250 job opportunities.
Captain Stuart McIntosh, Cowes Harbour Master, said: “The delivery of the Cowes Breakwater has required long-term vision and commitment from the Commission and we are delighted to see that as a result, the new marina and waterfront development in East Cowes will soon become a reality.”
“This marina development will also assist with the additional funding required to enable CHC to complete the harbour protection programme. The final stages of harbour infrastructure involve the construction of the Shrape breakwater extension and improved harbour access and navigational safety by the dredging of the new Eastern Channel.”
Paul Flatt, HCA Senior Development Manager, said: “The proposals for a new marina are bold and ambitious and we need a development partner who shares this vision and has a track record of success. Camper & Nicholsons’ name has a strong historic connection to the Solent area. This is an exciting opportunity to apply their extensive international experience in marina development and operation in the UK, on one of the remaining key pieces of the regeneration of East Cowes.”
Mayor of East Cowes, Cllr. Mike Lloyd, added: “East Cowes Town Council is very pleased with the news that developers have been identified for the new marina project and shoreside redevelopment in East Cowes. This will enhance the town’s image, provide much needed employment and an increased footfall for local businesses. It is hoped that the exciting Solent Gateways project along with the new Cowes Harbour Breakwater will continue to attract further investment into East Cowes.”
The HCA’s decision on their chosen developers for the Victoria Marina and associated redevelopment at East Cowes follows a recent announcement by the Solent Gateways partners for a project which encompasses new concept plans for East Cowes and £15m investment for improving cross-Solent connections between Southampton and the Isle of Wight.
Press Release