Jordan Cove LNG Permit Open for Comment

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, has received a permit application for the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal project.

The facility would be located on the North Spit of the Coos River, near North Bend, Coos County, Oregon. The Corps, as cooperating agency pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act is assisting the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in the development of an Environmental Impact Statement. The FERC Draft EIS was released on November 7, 2014 with a 90-day public comment period.

The main facilities associated with JCEP’s proposed LNG export terminal specific to the Corps Regulatory authority include:

  • an access channel from the existing Coos Bay navigation channel to the terminal marine slip;
  • a marine slip, with a berth for one LNG vessel on the east side and a berth for tug boats on the north side;
  • a permanent barge berth for initial construction equipment delivery, site construction, and future construction equipment delivery for maintenance requirements;
  • a utility corridor, approximately 1-mile long and 150-feet wide, between the LNG terminal and the South Dunes Power Plant. A 230-kilovolt transmission line and access road would be constructed within the corridor;
  • the South Dunes Power Plant, consisting of a 420-megawatt natural gas–fired combined cycle electric generating system and heat recovery steam generator units;
  • the Southern Oregon Regional Safety Center facility for emergency response capabilities as well as personnel and community education and training needs;
  • Trans Pacific Parkway and Highway 101 intersection road widening improvements;
  • the North Point Workforce Housing Project site consisting of temporary housing and amenities for approximately 2,000 workers during project construction;
  • other project components as listed in the DEIS document accessible online.

The proposed 30.8 acre marine slip would be excavated from what are currently uplands. The inside dimensions at the toe of the slope would measure approximately 800-feet along the north boundary and approximately 1,500-feet and 1,200-feet along the western and eastern boundaries, respectively.

The access channel connecting the proposed slip to the Coos Bay Federal Navigation Channel would measure approximately 2,300-feet wide at the intersection with the Coos Bay Federal Navigation Channel and would encompass approximately thirty-six acres in size.

The access channel and slip would be excavated to and maintained at -45 feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988 with a two-foot over-dredge allowance. The current Coos Bay Federal Navigation channel is authorized to -37 feet Mean Lower Low Water depth.

About 4.3 million cubic yards of material would need to be removed to create the slip basin. Of this, about 2.3 mcy would be dry excavated and about 2.0 mcy would be hydraulically dredged. An additional 1.3 mcy of material would need to be dredged to create the access channel; 5.6 mcy of material to be dredged and excavated in total.

Excavated and dredged material would be disposed of primarily in the site of the proposed South Dunes Power Plant Site and the LNG terminal site.

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Source: usace