Dredging Finished for Parrett and Tone

Business & Finance

The first action from the 20 Year Flood Action Plan, dredging of the Rivers Parrett and Tone has been completed, according to the Environment Agency’s latest report.

During the last seven months of the project, crews successfully removed over 130,000m³ of silt from the two rivers. Land and Water Services will remain in the area for the next 2-3 months whilst they continue to demobilize equipment from the dredge and use the floating plant to remove any remaining ‘highspots’ of silt that the checking process uncovers.

They will also be assisting with the asset repair works including adding localized rock armor erosion protection to the riverbank.

The plan, developed in March 2014 and owned by Somerset’s councils, was prepared in partnership with local and national organizations including the Environment Agency. Dredging of the Rivers Parrett and Tone was identified as a key element in addressing future flood risk for the Somerset Levels and Moors, and especially reducing the duration of flooding.

Works on the 8km long dredging scheme of the two rivers began back in late March and were completed on time.


Press Release