Werribee River Dredging in Full Swing

Business & Finance

Werribee River Dredging in Full Swing

Parks Victoria has commenced maintenance dredging at Werribee River following natural sand build up which has created a hazard for recreational and commercial boat operators.

The works form part of Parks Victoria’s ongoing dredging program to ensure the continuation of safe boating access within Port Phillip and Western Port” said Parks Victoria A/District Manager Port Phillip Western Port, Stephen McPhee.

The dredged material is predominantly sand and will be placed on the beach east of the channel to replicate the natural coastal movement of sand and for improved recreational amenity.” said Mr McPhee.

Mr McPhee added that the freshly dredged material contains organic material, mostly seaweed, which gives the sand a dark color and odor. Visitors to the beach should not be concerned as the sand is tested on a regular basis.

While the dredged sand may look and smell unpleasant when it first comes out of the water, after a few days exposure to the air and sun, the sand will bleach to the normal color and lose the odor.” Mr McPhee said.

Mariners are advised to exercise caution during the dredging process and are also reminded to observe the 5 knot speed limit in the channel and in the vicinity of the dredge. The dredge will be restricted in its ability to manoeuvre during the dredging operations and all vessel operators are reminded to observe the marks on the dredge and pass safely on side showing two black diamonds.

Dredging at Werribee River channel will run for the next 3 weeks depending upon weather.

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Press Release