Ten CSDs for Bangladesh Delivered

VOSTA LMG, offering state-of-the-art solutions in dredging technology, together with Karnafuly Shipyard, has delivered ten new cutter-suction dredgers to the Bangladesh Inland Transport Water Authority (BITWA) and the Water Development Board (BWDB).
Out of the ten delivered, six are CSD 450 type dredgers built for the Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority and four CSD 500 type vessels for the Bangladesh Water Development Board.
So far, VOSTA LMG and Karnafuly have delivered a total of fifteen cutter-suction dredgers, which are employed to keep the Bangladesh waterway system navigable.
VOSTA LMG has been responsible for providing engineering services, dredging equipment and supervision during the construction of the CSD’s. The company’s expertise – acquired over more than a century – and the workmanship of the Karnafuly Shipyard made it possible to construct the dredgers on-site and turned the project into a success.
October 7, 2014