Michigan Wetlands Restoration Gets Support

Business & Finance

Michigan Wetlands Restoration Gets Support

U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow, vice chair of the Great Lakes Task Force, and Carl Levin, chair of the Great Lakes Task Force, yesterday announced support for Ducks Unlimited to implement conservation programs to help restore and conserve Great Lakes coastal and interior wetlands. The $1,488,944 grant comes through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Our Great Lakes and wetlands support outdoor recreation and tourism in communities across Michigan,” said Stabenow. “This funding will help Ducks Unlimited restore our wetlands, conserve wildlife habitats, and protect our Lakes for generations to come.”

This grant is tremendous news for all of us who care about our Great Lakes,” said Levin. “We’ve already made great progress in restoring wetlands and habitat in the Great Lakes basin, and this grant to Ducks Unlimited will help ensure that vital work can continue.”

This support will help Ducks Unlimited form and expand partnerships with other conservation organizations and agencies. Ducks Unlimited, which has worked in the Great Lakes basin since the 1980s, has helped protect, restore, and enhance more than 145,000 acres of wetlands and associated uplands in the Great Lakes watershed.

Press Release, September 10, 2014