Downtown Montauk Stabilization Project Open for Comments

Business & Finance

Downtown Montauk Stabilization Project Open for Comments

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District today announced the availability of the Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA) with Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (DFONSI) for the proposed Downtown Montauk Stabilization Project and the opening of a 30-day review period, in which the public can submit written comments.

The proposed Downtown Montauk Stabilization Project calls for the construction of a geotextile sandbag reinforced dune and berm in front of the downtown area of Montauk to manage the risks associated with coastal storms.

It will involve the construction of a reinforced dune made of sand-filled geotextile bags with the top at an elevation of +13.5 feet NGVD with an additional +3 feet of sand cover making the entire reinforced dune +16.5 feet NGVD.

The dune will slope seaward for 35 feet reaching an elevation of +9.5 feet NGVD, where a 45-foot-wide elevated berm will be constructed, maintaining that +9.5 feet NGVD elevation for its width until sloping into the sea. The construction will involve roughly 14,000 geotextile bags filled with sand, weighing approximately 1.7 tons each.

The project will involve roughly 71,000 cubic yards of sand, 51,000 of which will be trucked to the project area.

The Downtown Montauk Stabilization Project is designed to be constructed to provide near-term coastal storm risk management while the Corps of Engineers completes the ongoing Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point Reformulation Study looking at long-term coastal storm risk management alternatives along the south shore of Suffolk County, including the Montauk area.


Press Release, August 27, 2014