Morrow Lake Dredging to Continue in 2014 (USA)

Business & Finance

Morrow Lake Dredging to Continue in 2014

Dredging activities began at Morrow Lake (including the Delta) in June 2014 and will continue throughout the summer.

To date, Enbridge has completed over 30 percent of dredging there. Some areas of the lake will be closed all or part of the recreation season to protect residents and workers from possible harm in work zones.

Dredging at the Mill Ponds impoundment was completed in May 2014, after weather delays in December 2013. All contaminated sediment at the Mill Ponds dredge pad were dewatered and disposed of by June 2014.

The Mill Ponds dredge pad was removed, and MDEQ is overseeing the restoration of cover vegetation.

Overall Removals

Despite delays, substantial levels of oil and oil-contaminated materials were removed from the river under EPA’s March 2013 order. From May 2014 to the present, those removals, measured in cubic yards, were:

– Mill Ponds: 5.210 cubic yards;

– Morrow Lake: 28.500 cubic yards;

– Total: 33.710 cubic yards.


Press Release, July 25, 2014