Loggers Noise Solutions for World’s Largest Dredgers

Business & Finance

Loggers Noise Solutions for World's Largest Dredgers

During its 91st session in November 2012, IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) adopted a number of amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).

Among these amendments was the adoption of the new SOLAS regulation II-1/3-12, which requires ships to be constructed to reduce onboard noise and to protect personnel from noise, in accordance with the Code of noise levels on board ships, resolution MSC.337(91).

This code sets out mandatory noise level limits for machinery spaces, workshops, control rooms, accommodation and other spaces on board. It supersedes the previous, non mandatory, code which was adopted by the IMO in 1981. The new noise code has entered into force July 1st, 2014.

Compliance with these new regulations can be challenging for fleet owners, shipbuilders and -designers. “The noise level requirements that apply, for accommodation spaces in particular, are very strict and hard to meet with conventional vibration isolators and a traditional isolator selection approach,” said Taco Moll, Key Account Manager Maritime at Loggers.

However, our decades of experience and innovation in amongst others the area of both elastomeric as our patented air suspension solutions allow us to overcome these challenges.

By following their Solution Development Methodology (SDM), Dutch-based Loggers B.V. has already developed cost-effective solutions for vessels notorious for their noise and vibration levels, including two of the world’s most powerful self-propelled cutter suction dredgers, Athena and Artemis operated by Dutch dredging and marine contractor Van Oord.

Loggers air suspension solution under accommodations

Once confronted with the now mandatory noise code, the maritime industry will find that the noise limit levels may no longer be achieved by applying traditional rubber-based vibration isolators. They provide high
isolation levels for mid-range and higher frequencies, but do not reach the desired level of isolation of the strong, low frequency vibrations and noise the crew and equipment are exposed to,” added Taco Moll. With Loggers’ air suspension solutions the noise code requirements are complied with.

By taking into account client-specific parameters and requirements, the company has developed the optimal noise and vibration solution for every challenge. Measurements on board have already proved that even the most strict requirement of 55 dB(A) in the noise code are met effectively.

Ship motion, like roll and pitch movements, is dealt with by monitoring and control systems, triggering automatic inflation or exhaust of the air springs. This allows for safe operation of the system under marine conditions. In addition, the components applied within the solutions carry type approvals of leading certification authorities, making classification of the solutions itself a breeze.


Press Release, July 18, 2014