Troy Seawall Stabilization Project Receives Approval

Business & Finance

Troy Seawall Stabilization Project Receives Approval

The City of Troy has received Phase I Approval under FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for its Seawall Stabilization project. Phase I will consist of the design and engineering of the project and is the first step to determine if construction under Phase II approval is cost effective.

If approved, Phase II will be funded up to $8.25 million.

This project is another example of how we are working alongside local and federal partners to reimagine our state for the new reality of extreme weather,” Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said. “The City of Troy has proposed a well-designed project that will improve resiliency in the face of future flooding and keep residents safe.”

Last year, Governor Cuomo called for government and non-profit organizations across New York State to submit HMGP applications to rebuild smarter, stronger, more sustainable communities in the wake of recent natural disasters.

The City of Troy’s existing protective bulkhead wall is known as the “seawall” due to its location within the tidal zone on the Hudson River. The seawall protects the City from flooding. The seawall exhibits varying degrees of damage due to ice floes, high velocity flooding and large debris traveling downstream during intense storm events. The risk of damage to the seawall is exacerbated by the wall’s age and the increasing frequency of unusual weather patterns.

Funding will be used to rebuild the wall and shore up eroded portions of the riverbank to provide long-term protection against flooding and, where possible, an improved interface with the river for the community’s residents.


Press Release, July 8, 2014