USACE: Manhattan Levee Study Open for Review (USA)

Business & Finance
USACE: Manhattan Kansas Levee Study Open for Review
The Dix Subdivision in northern part of Manhattan, Kansas flooded

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, has studied flood risk management and reliability improvements for the existing levee unit at Manhattan, Kansas, and is seeking review and public comment on the information presented within the Draft Feasibility Report.

The study was conducted at the request and with cooperation of the sponsor of the levee unit under the authority of Section 216 of the 1970 Flood Control Act. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to modify the recommendations within the report.

The purpose of the overall study of the existing levee unit was to determine whether one or more plans for improvements to the existing levee unit to reduce flood risk and improve levee reliability is technically viable, economically feasible, and environmentally acceptable, or if no action is warranted.

Failure of any part of the existing flood risk management unit during a major flood would have significant adverse impacts on the human environment including property damage and potential loss of human life.

The recommendations for the reliability and performance improvements are addressed and available for review in the DFR.

Proposed alternatives considered to improve flood risk management and reliability include, but are not limited to, earthen levee raises, pump station modifications, floodplain management, property relocations and flood-proofing, and the no action alternative.

DFR analysis concluded that a levee raise based on the projected water surface profile of the nominal 0.33 percent annual chance (300-yr) flood event and associated structural and geotechnical improvements is the preferred alternative. The DFR identifies a combination of measures as the Corps’ overall recommended plan and presents an analysis of the costs and impacts associated with the alternatives.


Press Release, June 16, 2014