Roseau Project Gets Financial Boost (USA)

Business & Finance

Roseau Project Gets Financial Boost

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, reached a major milestone recently when the agency received all of the necessary funds to complete the construction of the Roseau flood risk management project.

The final phase of construction is scheduled to begin this summer and includes completing the last mile of the diversion channel, as well as the diversion inlet and restriction structures. The project is scheduled to be finished by next fall.

The Corps and the city of Roseau began constructing the project in 2009 and have collectively invested more than $29 million to reduce the flood risk within the community.

The project consists of the 4.5 mile diversion channel that will reduce the river flows within the city, more than 45 acres of recreation opportunities to include a scenic overlook, two interpretive sites, birding sites, 9 miles of off-road vehicle trails, 7 miles of multi-use trails and more than 4 miles of canoe trails.


Press Release, April 21, 2014