Port of Rajin Expansion Included Dredging

Port of Rajin Expansion to Include Dredging

Two freight trains, each consisting of 65 wagons loaded with coal from the Kuzbass region in Russia, left from West Siberian Railways at the end of March 2014.

One of the trains has already reached Far Eastern Railways, the second is now travelling on the Transbaikal Main Line.

Both West Siberian Railways and Far Eastern Railways are regional divisions of Russian Railways.

The two trains, which are carrying a total cargo of 9 tons, will arrive at the border station Khasan in the Russian Federation before departing for Tumangan station in North Korea, where the coal will be further transshipped to the port of Rajin.

As part of the construction of the universal transshipment terminal at the port of Rajin, a range of additional activities was also conducted, including dredging, the construction of a new quay wall, equipping the warehouse areas, construction of industrial and office buildings and facilities and laying railway tracks within the terminal itself.


Press Release, April 9, 2014