Australia: New Channel Opens at Port Geographe

Business & Finance

New Channel Opens at Port Geographe

Skippers navigating waters at Port Geographe are being urged to take extra care following the opening of a new channel to enter the marina.

Department of Transport (DoT) Manager of Navigational Safety and Moorings Mark Briant said the relocated channel entrance was approximately 70 metres further east.

Skippers need to be aware of the new arrangements at Port Geographe and operate with extra caution when navigating the area,” Mr Briant said.

A series of new navigation markers have been positioned to guide skippers using the new channel and yellow buoys are in place to highlight special exclusion zones.

“The new coastal structures and continued construction activity at Port Geographe mean skippers need to slow down and take extra care when operating in the area.”

The old channel closed following the partial completion of the new western breakwater which is central to the $28.15 million reconfiguration to improve the natural flow of sand and seagrass wrack along the coast.

During the next month work will be undertaken to connect the landward end of the new western breakwater, completing the structure.

The new channel at Port Geographe is 150 metres long and 33 metres wide at its narrowest point.


Press Release, March 27, 2014