Australia: Maroochydore Seawall – the Last Line of Defence

Business & Finance

Maroochydore Seawall - the Last Line of Defence

Sunshine Coast Council will only need to construct a buried seawall at Maroochydore to protect community infrastructure if significant erosion puts the council’s beachside assets at risk.

Division 8 Councillor Jason O’Pray said the seawall would only be considered in an extreme emergency where assets were in serious jeopardy and would be built as a last line of defence.

The $3.75 million seawall will protect council assets along a 750m stretch between the Maroochy Surf life Saving Club and Maroochydore Beach Holiday Park,” Cr O’Pray said.

As part of today’s Ordinary Meeting decision, council also considered a cost-benefit analysis associated with protect-or-retreat options for the Maroochydore Beach Holiday Park.

“To build and maintain a buried seawall at the holiday park section would cost $1.475 million over 30 years, compared to a net revenue loss of $2.601 million if 34 park sites were affected by erosion.

“Given those figures, it makes financial sense to protect the holiday park.”

Cr O’Pray said the seawall would be located as far landward as possible and would be complemented with beach and dune nourishment to conceal the structure.


Press Release, March 27, 2014