Delaware River Dredging Plan Progresses Well (USA)

Business & Finance

Delaware River Dredging Progresses Well

The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers is working towards the completion of the Delaware River Main Channel Deepening Project.

Extensive studies from the Corps found this deepening effort could bring the shipping channel from 40 feet to 45 feet and could be accomplished from Philadelphia Harbor in Pennsylvania to the Beckett Street Terminal in Camden, New Jersey.

The Corp of Engineers is aiming for the project to be completed in the year 2017.

To assist in these efforts, S. T. Hudson Engineers, Inc. has been contracted as dredging consultants for the duration of the project.

Company Spokesperson Leslie Hudson explained why these engineering plans are so crucial: “This project was sponsored by the Philadelphia River Port Authority to allow for larger ships to come though the passage and bring much needed commerce to the entire Delaware Valley.”

Hudson added that deepening the Delaware River Navigation Channel will benefit all three states it travels through: “Right now waterfront facilities in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Camden, New Jersey are also affected. These waterfronts were built years ago in accordance with the original 40 foot channel depth that will change when this project is completed in 2017.


Press Release, March 13, 2014