KONGSBERG Launches New Gyrocompass at Oceanology International

KONGSBERG Launches New Gyrocompass at Oceanology International

Oceanology International 2014 sees the launch of a new range of Gyrocompass products based on the well proven MRU technology from Kongsberg Maritime’s sensor ‘Powerhouse’, Kongsberg Seatex.

The first model available is MGC R3, which includes three Ring Laser Gyros (RLGs) and three linear accelerometers providing highly accurate readings suitable for demanding applications such as seabed mapping.

MGC R3 complements the well-established and comprehensive range of MRU models (Motion Reference Unit) for high-end offshore and survey applications.

MGC R3 has INS capabilities with embedded north seeking algorithms and outputs both raw (gyro and accelerometer) and processed sensor data including heading, roll, pitch, heave and position.

Measurements can be referred to up to four different locations on the vessel such as sonars, heave compensated Launch and Recovery System, cranes, etc.

Finn Otto Sanne, Product Manager, Kongsberg Seatex, said: “The system integrates our already established MRU platform with high-end gyrocompass technology, providing a reliable and accurate solution for survey operations.”


Press Release, March 11, 2014