USA: Army Corps Presents Cohasset Harbor Dredging Plan

Business & Finance

Army Corps Presents Cohasset Harbor Dredging Plan

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, is proposing maintenance dredging of the Cohasset Harbor Federal Navigation Project (FNP) in Cohasset and Scituate, Mass. The town of Cohasset is the local sponsor.

The authorized FNP provides for an anchorage area in the inner harbor, 7-feet deep MLLW and about 16.25 acres in area; a channel 8-feet deep MLLW and 90 feet wide from the outer harbor to the anchorage area; and 12.45 acres of anchorage area, 6 feet deep MLLW as follows: 3.8 acres in Cohasset Cove, 3.25 acres in the vicinity of Government Island Cove and 5.4 acres in Bailey Creek.

“The proposed work involves emergency dredging of an area affected by Hurricane Sandy approximately 11.25 acres in size including the Cohasset Harbor entrance channel, the northern corner of the 7-foot anchorage by the breakwater, and the entrance to Bailey Creek where Bassings Beach is encroaching into the anchorage area,” said Project Manager Craig Martin, of the Corps’ New England District, Programs/Project Management Division in Concord, Mass. “The maintenance dredging will produce approximately 60,000 cubic yards of sandy material and restore these areas to authorized dimensions.”

The material will be dredged with a hydraulic cutterhead pipeline dredge and pumped onto intertidal areas of Sandy Beach in Cohasset. The last time the harbor was dredged was in 1998-2000 (two phases due to time of year restrictions) when the entire FNP was dredged and the material was placed at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site. Work will be performed over a three-month period from Oct. 1 to Jan. 31.


Press Release, March 7, 2014