The Philippines: Mayor Strongly Supports Pantal River Dredging

Business & Finance

Mayor Strongly Supports Pantal River Dredging

Dagupan Mayor Belen Fernandez announced that she will coordinate with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) on the Pantal River dredging issue.

Fernandez said that dredging of the Pantal River needs to start immediately, otherwise it would be too late as the flood season is just a few months away. She will ask Congresswoman Gina de Venecia to facilitate the start of the dredging as the DPWH has a new dredging machine that will be brought to Dagupan.

Residents asked Mayor Fernandez for the early dredging of Pantal River because a big amount of silt has already formed in the middle blocking the flow of water.


Press Release, March 7, 2014