Australia: Darwin Port Development Strategy 2014 – 2019 Introduced

Business & Finance

Darwin Port Development Strategy 2014 – 2019 Introduced

Terry O’Connor, Darwin Port Corporation Chief Executive, has presented the Port Development Strategy 2014 – 2019.

The Strategy provides a foundation for the Port’s growth and development for the next five years and was developed by the Darwin Port Corporation to meet the immediate needs of its customers and stakeholders.

The Port Development Strategy 2014 – 2019 will ensure our vision of becoming Australia’s ‘Northern Gateway of Choice’ is backed by long‐term planning and flexibility to ensure we can continue to predict and meet customer demand,” he said.

The Strategy aligned with the Northern Territory Government’s priorities and vision Framing the Future Strategy and complements the Port’s existing strategies, the East Arm Wharf Facilities Masterplan 2030 and its Corporate Directions Strategy 2012 – 2017.

We will continue to contribute to longer‐term planning to ensure the Corporation is positioned to support the long term growth of the Northern Territory’s trade, economic development and relations with Asian trading partners and in the attraction of investment for significant infrastructure development,” said O’Connor.

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Press Release, February 24, 2014