USA: Officials Release DEA on Trinity River Channel Rehabilitation
The Bureau of Reclamation has released for public review a Draft Environmental Assessment/Initial Study on the Trinity River 2014 Channel Rehabilitation Project sites Bucktail and Lower Junction City.
Reclamation and the Bureau of Land Management, federal co-lead agencies, and the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, California state lead agency, are working together to inform the public about the proposed project.
The Bucktail site is located on the mainstem Trinity River, just upstream of the Bucktail Bridge near Lewiston, Calif. The Lower Junction City site is located in Junction City on the mainstem Trinity River, just downstream of the Dutch Creek Bridge.
The TRRP intends to construct the proposed project, depending on public input and funding, in 2014 to increase salmon and steelhead habitat downstream of Lewiston Dam.
Press Release, January 21, 2014