USA: Prospect Beach Restoration Project Set for February

Prospect Beach Restoration Project Set for February

Construction of a beach repair and restoration project at Prospect Beach in West Haven, Conn., will be completed under the terms of a $3,789,680.00 contract recently awarded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District.

Work will be accomplished by DCM Architecture & Engineering, LCC, of Camden, N.J. Construction is scheduled to start in mid- to late-February 2014 and take approximately two months to complete. The contract was awarded on Jan. 7, 2014.

Prospect Beach is located along the northern shore of Long Island Sound in West Haven, approximately one mile west of New Haven Harbor. The original authorized project for Prospect Beach was completed in 1957, and modifications to the Shore Protection and Beach Erosion Control Project were authorized in 1992 under authority contained in Section 103 of the 1962 River and Harbor Act. These modifications, which were completed in 1995, involved the direct placement of sand fill along 4,500 feet of shorefront between Ivy and Linwood Streets to form a beach berm about 50 feet wide at elevation 12.0 feet mean low water (MLW).

The beach repair work involves placement of sand fill at Prospect Beach in order to restore the project to full profile dimensions,” said Project Manager Chris Hatfield, of the Corps’ New England District, Engineering and Planning Division in Concord, Mass.We anticipate placing approximately 90,700 cubic yards of sand to restore the project.”

The project is being funded by the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 (P.L. 113-2). Sand will be purchased from a local supplier, trucked to the site and spread on the beach using earth moving equipment.

The project will be managed by the Corps and all work will be accomplished under the supervision of a Corps’ Quality Assurance Representative to assure compliance with contract requirements.


Press Release, January 15, 2014