Saudi Arabia: Construction of JSDP Starts

Business & Finance

Construction of JSDP Starts

The construction of the flood control project in Jeddah (JSDP) in Saudi Arabia fully commenced and went into the implementation phase recently, announced

This project of 4 sections was signed on 29 July with a contract price of prox. 0.5 billion USD dollars. This project is a government livelihood project and therefore closely concerned by the King of Saudi Arabia and relevant government departments.

The successful implementation of this project does not only influence the life and property safety of Jeddah citizens, but also exerts an impact on further enhancing the brand influence of CHEC in Saudi Arabia and expanding its market share in Saudi Aramco and Middle East. The leaders of CHEC pay much attention to this project and provide great guidance and support for it.

The project department will stick to the contract conditions and perform accordingly to handover a first-class project to the Client.


Press Release, November 8, 2013