MMO: Corallina Dredging Monitoring Protocol Update (UK)

Business & Finance

Corallina Dredging Monitoring Protocol Update

During the application process for the Hinkley jetty dredge licence, a condition requiring a dredging monitoring protocol to protect Corallina from the impacts of sedimentation was recommended.

Prior to undertaking any dredging activity authorised by this Licence:

– a plan for monitoring baseline levels of sedimentation in the vicinity of Corallina swards shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the MMO. This plan shall include the locations at which monitoring is to be undertaken;

– this baseline survey is to be carried out in accordance with the approved methodology and a survey report submitted to the MMO for approval;

– following the baseline survey, a Dredging Monitoring Protocol for monitoring dredging, including agreed sedimentation levels at which measures would be taken to control any significant impacts due to the dredged plume, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the MMO.

Following a review of the dredging protocol requirements, the MMO have determined that this condition is not required. This is because the effects on Corallina are not likely to be significant.

This was supported by the MMO’s Habitats Regulations assessment of the jetty applications which did not identify a likely significant effect on the Corallina as a result of the dredging activities. In addition, the dredging is of a short duration and the volume of material is relatively small.

Therefore references made to the dredging monitoring protocol condition in the environmental impact assessment consent decision at the following sections are no longer applicable:

• Section 7 – Marine ecology;

• Appendix 3 – Dredging licence conditions.


Press Release, October 7, 2013