Malaysia to Host IADC Forum

Business & Finance

Malaysia to Host IADC Forum

The Forum on Early Contractor Involvement (14-15 November 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) is organised by the IADC and supported by the EADA (Eastern Dredging Association).

Anyone involved in large infrastructure projects has come up against delays, postponements and risks.

And the first question that arises is: How could this have been done differently? Why didn’t anyone see these problems coming?

Early Contractor Involvement is a method to get everyone on board with a project before the first shovel, literally and figuratively, has hit the ground.

The theory is straightforward. The more experts and stakeholders can agree beforehand what the process should be and who takes responsibilities and risks for a project, the more efficient, cost-effective the project can be implemented and the more satisfied the client and contractor will be.

This two-day forum with the theme Partnering Creates Possibilities will bring together top-level experts and advisors responsible for construction projects for an in-depth exchange of knowledge.

With well-known keynote speakers setting the tone for the forum the participants will explore the benefits of “contractual partnering”, that is, a co-operation amongst all the contractual players from the very early stages of project development.

More info


Dredging Today Staff, October 3, 2013