“Morphological Modeling Using Delft3D” Course Approaches

Business & Finance

Morphological Modeling Using Delft3D Course Approaches

The course “Morphological modeling using Delft3D” (16-20 September 2013) aims to train students in the application of process-baed morphodynamic modeling software.

Morphological modeling using Delft3D is a practically oriented course during which students will gain basic understanding on morphodynamic modeling opporunities and learn basic skills of setting up a morphodynamic model, including grid generation, bathymetric interpolation, boundary conditions definition, sediment transport formulations, bed slope effects, morphological factor, wind waves, graded sediments and the impact of vegetation.

Typical areas of interest are bend flow, inlet and delta development, estuarine patterns, alternating bars, impact of groynes and breakwaters, beach morphodynamics.

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Press Release, September 6, 2013