Corps Invites Public Comments on Lower Snake River Plan (USA)

Business & Finance

Corps Invites Public Comments on Lower Snake River Plan

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, invites public comments on an environmental assessment (EA) for habitat improvements at locations along the lower Snake River. Comments are due by Sept 6.

The Corps is proposing to plant native vegetation on three Habitat Management Units (HMUs) along the lower Snake River to create or enhance approximately 125 acres of wildlife habitat to help meet the terrestrial wildlife mitigation requirements of the Lower Snake River Fish and Wildlife Compensation Plan. Proposed planting sites are located in Garfield, Whitman and Walla Walla Counties, along the banks of the lower Snake River. The three sites proposed for habitat enhancement are: Ayer, Swift Bar, and Willow Bar HMUs.

The Compensation Plan directed that lands on the lower Snake River, plus other lands purchased and leased in adjacent areas of southeast Washington, be developed for terrestrial wildlife habitat. As a result, approximately 25,000 acres of Corps lands along the lower Snake River were set aside for this purpose.

Another 24,000 acres of lands were purchased or leased for terrestrial wildlife habitat development and angler access.


Press Release, August 30, 2013