India Dredging Experience Set for September

Business & Finance

India Dredging Experience Set for September

On September 4, IHC Merwede and its Training Institute for Dredging (TID) will organise the India Dredging Experience. This event will be held in the build-up to the 4th Annual Conference on Dredging in India, and offers visitors the opportunity to get acquainted with TID’s Cutter Simulator Training, without having to travel to the Netherlands.

TID uses a realistic IHC Beaver® 6518 simulator for this training, enabling participants to practise handling real-life situations without any risk of damage or loss of production. Visitors will get the chance to explore the benefits of simulator training for themselves, their colleagues and ultimately, their company.


Advantages of simulator training

Cutter simulator training is a great tool to achieve significant improvements in key performance indicators (KPIs), leading to higher uptime rates and a decrease in costs per cubic meter. TID’s simulator training thus ensures return on investment (ROI) that often far exceeds the actual cost of the programme.

Dredging competition

Additionally, on September 5 and 6, TID will present the India Dredging Competition, inviting conference visitors to compete with one another during a challenge. Participants may take place on the IHC Beaver® 6518 simulator and are challenged to dredge a harbour entrance channel as fast and efficiently as possible. During 20 minutes on the simulator, the goal is to make optimal use of one full stroke of the spud carrier and claim the title ‘Operator of the Day’.

More info


Press Release, August 22, 2013