“Dredging in India” Conference Approaches

Business & Finance

Dredging in India Conference Approaches

The 4th Annual Conference on Dredging in India named Trends and Outlook – Challenges and Opportunities, is scheduled for September 5-6,2013, in ITC Maratha, Mumbai.

The mission of the conference is to highlight the key trends and opportunities in the dredging sector. The conference will focus on strategies and solutions to meet the future dredging requirements and address the key challenges. It will also showcase some of the noteworthy dredging projects.

There have been several positive developments In the past year. New guidelines for granting security clearance to bidders have been released. New types of contracts and funding sources are being explored. The industry profile has changed with a number of foreign players entering the sector. Also, public-private partnerships for dredging projects are being planned.

However, the actual achievement in dredging has not kept pace with demand growth. In the Eleventh Plan, only 50 per cent of the dredging target was met and draught levels continue to be low.


Dredging Today Staff, July 2, 2013