New Zealand: More Sand for Kuratau Beach

Business & Finance

More Sand for Kuratau Beach

Kuratau beach is getting another load of sand to help build up the beach this week to address on-going erosion issues. Taupō District Council, Waikato Regional Council and a consortium of local hydro power companies have collaborated to carry out the work.

This is the second round of replenishment for the beach, with 3500 cubic metres of sand being brought in for the job. The first round was in December when about 500 cubic metres of sand was moved from around the Kuratau boat ramp to the northern part of the Kuratau beach. The aim is for the sand to help the beach recover from past erosion events. The work in December has had a positive impact on the beach and greatly improved it for the high use period during summer.

Sand placed on the Kuratau beach had historically moved southward along the beach before becoming trapped around the Kuratau boat ramp. Much of this sand was removed for the initial work to help reduce the accumulation of sediment around the boat ramp and ensure it remains usable.

Based on expert advice and discussions with the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board and the hydro power companies, the councils identified beach replenishment as the preferred option for addressing erosion issues. Unlike hard structures like walls, the replenishment improves the recreational use and natural appearance of the reserve and beach.

The sand placed on the beach at Kuratau is being monitored to determine the speed with which it moves southward along the shoreline to better plan for further replenishment or alternative options.

Funding has come from the combined efforts of Taupō District Council, Waikato Regional Council and a consortium of local hydro power companies.


Press Release, June 12, 2013