Australia: NSW Government Supports Myall River Dredging

NSW Government Supports Myall River Dredging

Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner and Member for Port Stephens, Craig Baumann today announced their support for dredging the eastern channel of the lower Myall River.

Mr Stoner said the NSW Government had commenced discussions with Great Lakes Council on funding for the $2 million project.

The community, with strong support from Craig Baumann, has campaigned long and hard for this dredging,” Mr Stoner said.

The Government received almost 1,000 submissions on the Inter-Agency Task Group’s report and the local community has made it clear it supports removal of the sand build-up in the eastern channel to restore conditions in the lower Myall River.

Thanks to strong lobbying from the Local Member, I am pleased to announce the NSW Government will commit up to $1 million towards this important project.

In line with our Sustainable Dredging Strategy, we are seeking a 50 per cent contribution from the local council for the dredging of the eastern channel of the lower Myall River.

The Government has committed $3 million over four years for dredging projects under the Rescuing our Waterways Program. This initiative is dependent on stakeholder support and shared responsibilities.

I have also asked the Crown Lands Division of Trade and Investment to explore additional funding sources and support from other stakeholders in the Myall River.

Local Member for Port Stephens Craig Baumann welcomed the decision.

I am excited to have secured the NSW Government’s support for the dredging of the Myall River,” Mr Baumann said.

This project will reap enormous benefits for the local community and satisfies an important election commitment.

The Task Group report, which was based on technical studies, acknowledged that dredging may have social and economic benefits if potential improvements in oceanic flushing and water clarity could be achieved.

It will be important to monitor the results of any dredging program to demonstrate the outcomes around restoring the values of the river, especially in terms of public amenity and aesthetics and the benefits to tourism, local business and industry.


Press Release, May 9, 2013