USA: Chicago to Host Maritime Economic Development Workshop
The American Association of Port Authorities’ (AAPA) 2013 Maritime Economic Development Workshop in Chicago, June 27-28, will explore the factors driving today’s investments in seaport and related infrastructure.
Program speakers will analyze the risks and rewards for undertaking such investments, reveal how capital improvements propel business development decisions, and discuss what influences intermodal connection improvements with ports.
Addressing the issue of what is needed and what is being done to enhance landside and waterside freight connections with ports will be specialists representing port authorities, railroads, academia, government, private sector financing, freight supply chain logistics and industrial land development.
“Seaports are critical economic lifelines that rely on connecting transportation infrastructure to deliver prosperity,” said Kurt Nagle, AAPA president and CEO. “All ports make significant investments in both infrastructure improvements and modernization within their terminal gates and port authority boundaries. Just beyond these gates and boundaries however lie navigation channels, roads, bridges, tunnels and rail lines that are typically owned and controlled by others, including local, state and federal governments.
“Today, many of these freight-handling connections require significant upgrades to be able to handle the increasing volumes of freight moving into and out of our ports daily.” he added. “Sadly, the toll from under-investing in these connections will be seen in GDP losses of nearly $95 billion and 728,000 lost jobs in 2020. It gets considerably worse after that.”
Press Release, May 6, 2013