UK: ABPmer to Prepare Coastal Management Strategy for Morecambe

Business & Finance

ABPmer to Prepare Coastal Management Strategy for Morecambe

Lancaster City Council has commissioned ABPmer to prepare a Coastal Management Strategy for the Morecambe Town frontage.

The purpose of the strategy is to implement the shoreline management plan policies in a sustainable and cost effective manner. The focus is to understand the effectiveness of the existing coastal defences and to identify any necessary amendments, monitoring and maintenance required over the next 100 years. The strategy will therefore provide the ongoing management measures required to deliver the best approach for managing the coastal erosion and flood risk in the short, medium and long term.

Working with Coastal Engineering UK, ABPmer will build upon the work it previously carried out for the frontages north and south of the main town frontage.

Heidi Roberts, Coastal Processes Team Leader at ABPmer said: “We were delighted to be awarded this piece of work. The study will focus on coastal processes investigations and develop management options to support the long term sustainability of the frontage, taking into account technical, economic and environmental factors over different time horizons. We will also identify where further assessment may be needed to subsequently finalise an integrated coastal defence strategy for the Morecambe Bay frontage.”

ABPmer is a recognised specialist in coastal and shoreline behaviour processes. The company regularly provides technical advice, assessment and numerical modelling for flood and coastal erosion risk management.


Press Release, April 30, 2013