DAMEN: Another Cutter Suction Dredger for Nigerian Customer

Business & Finance

Another Cutter Suction Dredger for Nigerian Customer

Another CSD500 has been delivered to William Lloyds Co by Damen Dredging Equipment.

This is the second Damen cutter suction dredger for the company, which deploys both dredgers for deepening and maintaining one particular stretch of the Niger River. The dredger has been named “Hand of God”.


The standard CSD500 has been fitted out with an extended suction pipe, to enable it to dredge at the increased dredging depth of 16 m. The dredger, named “Hand of God”, has been fitted out with a 3512C CATERPILLAR diesel engine, powering the Damen dredge pump, type BP5045. The dredge pump delivers some 4.000 m3/h of mixture on its 500 mm diameter delivery piping.

As standard options a spud carriage, day accommodation, a jib crane, a stern swivel, navigation lights and dredging instrumentation were supplied. As a customized option, the side wire winches have been enhanced to 16T.


The “Hand of God” will work on the River Niger, which has a current of some 5kn. The heavier side wire winches will enable the cutter suction dredger to make its full swing hence maximizing efficiency. Extensive dredging works are going on at the River Niger, where by public tender the dredge job has been split up between various contractors.


The William Lloyd Co is responsible for deepening a specific stretch of the river – between Baro (Niger State) and Jamatta (Kogi State) – to facilitate navigation, and will maintain the stretch as well.

The new CSD500 has already joined it’s sister vessel, the “Havilah 1” delivered in 2009. The dredgers are doing their dredge job to full satisfaction of their owner.


Press Release, January 7, 2013