Avalon Beach Fill Project Kicks Off (USA)

Business & Finance

Avalon Beach Fill Project Kicks Off

A major beach fill project that will result in 290,000 cubic yards of sand being placed on the Avalon beach­front will begin Today, dur­ing the early after­noon hours. Yesterday, Avalon offi­cials attended a progress meet­ing with the United States Army Corps of Engi­neers, the New Jer­sey Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion, and Nor­folk Dredg­ing in Avalon.

The actual start of the beach fill project was delayed dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son due to strong gusty winds that pre­vented the dredge from begin­ning the work. Winds are expected out of the west for the next sev­eral days with no major storms in the fore­cast. The dredge “Charleston” is expected to pump an aver­age of 1,000 cubic yards per hour dur­ing the beach fill oper­a­tion; on aver­age, the “Charleston” will oper­ate 17 hours a day and will only stop for mechan­i­cal or weather-related issues.

This beach fill project will be com­pletely financed by the United States Army Corps of Engi­neers. It will result in 290,000 cubic yards of sand to be placed on the Avalon beach­front from the ter­mi­nal groin at 9th Street south to 25th Street. This beach fill will replace sand that was lost dur­ing Hur­ri­cane Irene in August, 2011 and Hur­ri­cane Sandy in Octo­ber, 2012.

Once the Avalon beach fill project is com­pleted, the dredge will head to Fire Island, New York for a beach fill project in that com­mu­nity. When the New York project is fin­ished, the dredge returns to Here­ford Inlet to con­duct a major beach fill oper­a­tion on two sec­tions of Stone Harbor’s beach­front. Sand will be placed in Stone Har­bor from 92nd Street south to 114th Street, and from 119th Street south to the ter­mi­nal groin. By con­tract, the Stone Har­bor project must be com­pleted on or before May 23rd, 2013.


Press Release, January 3, 2013